Suddenly, surged with this new energy, I feel like dancing, cleaning my room, starting the research project I've been putting off for way longer than I should have, and dragging my cute, pink bicycle out of the shed to take a small ride around my neighborhood.
Granted, it's still pretty nippy outside, but the sunshine is shining a new light on my outlook of the bitter cold. When Coldness and Sunshine hold hands, the Coldness suddenly becomes tolerable. I suppose this is like when a really cute, outgoing guy starts dating the most nasally, annoying girl--she is soaked up by a group of friends and becomes part of the group. Until they break up. Then Lord help the poor girl as she is ostracized once again by the group and is told to go back up to Canada where she came from. Poor Coldness.
I think our bodies were made to soak up days like this. The energy is invigorating, not to mention intoxicating. It's amazing how active I become just when the sun is out. I find it interesting how just being active can be so healthy to a person's body. Since I started my retail job (where the only difference in my day is literally just standing more) I've lost 15 pounds. I didn't change my diet or anything. How do people in California not get more things done? If I lived there, I don't think I would be physically able to just sit around on a beach all day. I'd be curing cancer. Or...doing something really helpful in my particular career field that would benefit a lot of people. I'm not sure what. But I would know if I lived in Cali.
What I'm trying to say is this: Take a few minutes of your day today (or any sunny day if you don't live in Michigan) to take a walk or bike ride today outside. Maybe it will give you the energy to get things done you've been putting off. :)
Studies are showing that it's possible the majority of people are Vitamin D deficient. So, yeah, you'll feel like a million dollars if you get a big boost!