Saturday, April 16, 2011

Do Nothing, Enjoy Everything

Well, I'm home with the flu this weekend. At first, everything that could go wrong did. I had to call off from work so that I didn't make any money this weekend. My boyfriend came home for the weekend, but we couldn't even be close on the couch together because I didn't want to get him sick so he actually left early today to go back to school. I have finals coming up and I keep falling asleep instead of studying or doing homework.

Then something awesome happened. For a half an hour, I did nothing. I'm not saying that I just watched television or surfed the web. I mean, there was a long moment where all I did was stare out of my front window (it's true, I was on a lot of meds this morning, but that's way beside the point) and watched the wind blow the tree branches. It was an exceptionally windy day today. The sky would go from dark grey to light grey. It misted on the windows occasionally. I love that spooky movie sound of the wind blowing on the sides of the house. That whistle is so frightening and exciting at the same time. 

I don't remember the last time I was able to just enjoy...being and not worrying about what I have to do or where I have to be. Instead, after waking up from my three hour-long nap, I just sat there in my rocking chair under my body-warm blanket and enjoyed the nature show going on outside. It was probably the most relaxing thing I've done in...well, let's just say a while. 

My challenge for you (with finals coming up and all) is that next time you feel overworked and overwhelmed, just sit down and clear your mind. Concentrate on something outside (things inside usually lead to stress, but outside things are out of your control) and take a good, long stare. Trust me, it will be worth your while. Oh, deep breathing is good, too. 


  1. This is why I actually do like running (I'll begrudgingly admit it, haha), because it's just me and the ground. I'll let my thoughts wander all over the place, and it's always relaxing to not think about everything I have to do. And I really do always feel better after I run.

    You definitely deserve more of those kinds of moments--and not just because you're sick. :)

  2. I have years of practice doing this.
