Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama's Death

"For through violence you may murder a murderer, but you can’t murder murder. Through violence you may murder a liar, but you can’t establish truth. Through violence you may murder a hater, but you can’t murder hate through violence. Darkness cannot put out darkness; only light can do that" -Martin Luther King Jr. 

I told myself I wasn't going to include current events in my blog, but major country-affecting ones--okay, fine. 

Everyone's heard that Osama Bin Laden was shot and killed, super CIA-gun firing stuff. It's all over the internet and floating around the country. Some have taken to celebrating his death, others, like myself, are thankful a man will never kill again, but you won't hear me cheering for the dead. 

I agree, this is an event that like 9/11 can bring our country a greater sense of patriotic-ness. However, it's difficult to have patriotism when gas prices are estimated to be 6 dollars in the next few years, our soldiers are still fighting overseas, homosexuals are not allowed to be married in most states, teen pregnancy and violence is being glorified, our national debt is growing even more, there's an overwhelming unemployment rate, there are budget cuts all over the US in education, and so I'm sorry but one man's death is not going to make me suddenly love everything about this country. 

My heart goes out the victims' families of 9/11. I understand that a sense of justice has been served. However, to cheer and hoot and holler and to celebrate about a man being killed, I just don't see how that's right, no matter how "evil" the person was. It makes me uncomfortable to say the least.  I guess I'm just a Star Wars girl, but this seems too appropriate to discount: "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering," -Yoda. We feared Osama so much it led to hate. Hate spreads more hate. It's a disease. Ultimately, the towers fell because of hate. Osama fell because we hated him, too. We can show love toward the families affected by 9/11, but I think showing hate toward Osama is infectious and nothing good can come out of it. 


  1. The bad guy is dead, and I'm happy. Maybe that's oversimplification, but I can't make myself feel bad about it. He not only killed huge numbers of people who had never done anything to him in various attacks, but he also served to stigmatize the religion of Islam the world over. If there's a hell, I hope he's burning in it.

  2. This is a very well-said post, Shelby. Hating another will only harm oneself. It's okay to be relieved that a person cannot do more bad things, but another thing altogether to cheer and blatantly celebrate the death of that person. *shrug* The media will get over it soon enough, thankfully.

